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Please read the following information

Have you been asked to have your identity confirmed?

You may have been asked to use our service to have your identity confirmed in support of an application for a Disclosure and Barring Service Disclosure formerly known as a CRB Check.

It is NOT necessary for you for you to register with us to access the service.

You will have been sent details of an internet link which you need to follow.

The address in the link is case sensitive.

Any of the internet browsers such as Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer, Opera and Safari can be used. It works on PCs and Macs.

However the link should NOT be typed direct into Google. We believe this may be what you did.

So that you can access the service correctly below is a list of our more frequently user.

To access the correct page please click on the name of the organisation and you will be redirected.

If the organisation which has asked you to use our services is not listed please refer to the information they have sent you.

If you wish to use our services for any other purpose please continue to our registration page.